No SWPPP plan in place gets Recycling firm in trouble…
"Allegedly"... Michael Jones of Coast Transportation and Recycling, LLC had been knowingly diverting storm water contaminated with petroleum based pollutants into nearby storm drains and ultimately contaminating nearby Lee Creek in New York State. The New York State...
Not having an SWPPP can get your project into hot water…
See, not having an SWPPP can get you into hot water... It also can open your site up to fines from Federal, State, & Local authorities, but did you also know that you could be liable for Civil Lawsuits from local residents as well? Spicewood residents unhappy with...
EPA Simplifies SWPPP process for small residential construction
EPA Simplifies SWPPP process for small residential construction projects...
SWPPP Becoming More Stringent In CA
SWPPP requirements becoming more stringent in California.
ODEQ Reports Drinking Water Violation
ODEQ Cites Creek County Rural Water District for high trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids.
EarthGaurd Fiber Matrix Accepted by 3 State DOT’s
A new Erosion Control Product that could make SWPPP implementation more effective and affordable...
City Creates Funding for Stormwater Project
City Council hires firm to try fix for cliff…
New Braunfels City Council has approved plans to stabilize eroding riverside bluffs...