Get Your SWPPP Plan In Oklahoma in 72 Hours!
Get Your SWPPP in Oklahoma Within 72 Hours or It’s Free!
Need to know if you require a SWPPP for your project?
An SWPPP needs to be attached to the Notice of Intent form and be sent in with a both a construction general permit, and a single location construction permit. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans are needed for all construction activities that happen in Oklahoma. SWPPP is also needed for an Oklahoma Pollination Discharge Elimination System Permit.
SWPPP Requirements in Oklahoma
1. Information for the Facility Operator.
In the SWPPP, the legal name of the facility operator, mailing address, and telephone number need to be on the document. This can be a person, public organization, firm, or another entity that meets the following criteria. They must have control over the site specifications, and have day-to-day operational control of the site to make sure that there is compliance with the permits and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans.
2. Site Information
When writing your SWPPP, you are required to have the project operators’ legal name and the complete street address for the construction site. If you are applying for more than one location with construction general permits, you can list the street addresses that the Storm Water Pollutions Prevent Plans will be used for. You can also use the same SWPPP, with different addresses if you are applying for multiple construction permits. If the construction site does not have a street address, you are required to indicate the general location of the site, and the longitude and latitude of the site, to the nearest 15 seconds at the center of the site.
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3. Construction Activity
An SWPPP will need a full description of the type of construction activity that will occur at the site. This includes what is being built, the size of the site, which includes the area that is disturbed around the building site and how the area is going to disturbed. You will also need to estimate the amount of runoff from both the pre-construction and post-construction conditions, along with soil and discharge quality from the site.
4. Measures to Protect Threatened and Endangered Species
All SWPPP need to have lists of any threatened and endangered species or if there are critical habitats within the proximity of the construction site. The SWPPP requirements include if there is going to any effect on the species from the storm water discharge from the construction site. It is required that you implement all the measures to protect the species and habitats that are in your SWPPP.
A SWPPP in Oklahoma includes many, more requirements to fill out the documents, but most are specific to the areas of Oklahoma that you are building in. You will need to send in your SWPPP with your construction general permit to be able to build in Oklahoma.
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