Any construction facilities within the Texas area which has a plan for disrupting more than 5 acres of land during the project or is extremely close to a water body or is within an area listed as a haven for endangered species, needs to have special permits in place...
EPA directs the need for an SWPPP permit for most construction sites handling more than 1 acre of area for industrial facilities constructions. It is however, a confusing process for companies dealing with the EPA SWPPP guidance for any particular city or district for...
SWPPP requirements vary for different states and need different documents for the permit to pass through the legitimate authorities. While it is important to have an SWPPP plan and integrate it into a construction project, implementing a wrong plan might prove...
Developing and writing storm water pollution prevention plans is an important part of construction activity. Depending on what state that you are located in, storm water pollution prevent plans or SWPPP may be a part of a construction general permit. You may need to...